A New Beginning

As this is the first post I believe an introduction is in order. My name is David Bruce, but everyone who knows me refers to me as DJ. I am a soon to be graduate of the University of Michigan (U of M) with a Bachelors of Science in Honors Mathematics and Political Science, and a soon to be student in some math graduate program. As I have begun to make plans for the future I have come to the realization that in the near future my fellow Honors Math friends  and I will begin to go our separate ways. Something which is exciting as it means we will all be moving on to bigger and better thing, but simultaneously dispiriting as it means the end of our many conversations about math, life, and other stuff.

With this in mind, and inspired in part by the Secret Blogging Seminar, my fellow soon to be graduate Honors Math friends and I have decided to try and continue these conversations via this blog — Yellow Pigs. For those who don’t catch the reference in the title grab your nearest copy of Michael Spivak’s Calculus. Thus, hopefully in the coming months this blog will become a place for my fellow U of M Math friends — who will introduce themselves shortly — and myself to write about the math we are learning and thinking about as well as other things we feel are worth talking about.

As the contributors to this blog are all soon to be graduated undergraduates none of us have as of yet concrete research interests, but I feel safe saying that all of our interests lean in some way towards the algebraic. That said as we begin graduate school I would expect a wide range of potential topics to be discussed as we begin explore new areas of math.

With all that said here is to the new beginnings that are coming soon.